Let's talk body positivity for a second... I know you can think back to a time where you felt like you weren't enough because of your body weight/size or maybe the cellulite on your legs. Maybe it was a bad hair day or PMS had you breaking out… Whatever the case is, you know that feeling. I find myself wallowing in self-pity but hardly ever ask myself, what do you love about yourself? What makes you feel good after a long day? What makes you feel rested and at peace? Those are the things we should be putting our energy into. Those are the things that matter the most when our mental and physical health is lacking. If we never appreciate the now, we'll literally never appreciate now. The number on the scale, the condition of your skin, the way your hair looks or any other insecurity... no insecurity should cripple your ability to do your best. You are enough now. You are beautiful now. You are deserving now. You are perfect just the way you are now.